Mosquito Control

Over 3,500 species of mosquitoes have already been described from various parts of the world. Thousands of species feed on the blood of various kinds of hosts, mainly vertebrates, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and even some kinds of fish. Much more serious though, are the roles of many species of mosquitoes as vectors of diseases. In passing from host to host, some transmit extremely harmful infections such as malaria, yellow fever, Chikungunya, West Nile virus, dengue fever, filariasis, Zika virus and other arboviruses, rendering it the deadliest animal family in the world. Like all flies, mosquitoes go through four stages in their lifecycles: egg, larva, pupa, and adult or imago. In most species, adult females lay their eggs in stagnant water; some lay eggs near the water's edge; others attach their eggs to aquatic plants. Some breed in lakes, some in temporary puddles. Some breed in marshes, some in salt-marshes. Females of many common species can lay 100–200 eggs during the course of the adult phase of their lifecycles. Even with high egg and intergenerational mortality, over a period of several weeks, a single successful breeding pair can create a population of thousands.

Treatment Type

Larva Management : This is the 2nd stage of life cycle of a mosquito where it still is a part of place of breeding such a stagnant water. Use od spraying technique allows treating the pest at a very early stage. This treatment also comprises of suggestions on area of breeding and corrective actions to be taken by the client. Adult Mosquito management : At this stage the pest is widely spread in the vicinity, hence we target areas where these rest; such as dark corners, storage area, Garbage dumping area, Toilets, Shafts & Bushy shrubs. Carefully selected methods are applied in order to repel maximum pest population while not causing discomfort to the client.

Treatment Methods

Spray: Spraying a specific amount of chemical inside the infested area allows us to control the population of mosquitoes within the area.

Fogging : With the help of a fogging machine and use of a solvent like diesel we create a dense of fog that repels mosquitoes from a selected area. this treatment is done at dawn.


  1. The best way to control mosquitoes is to remove potential egg laying sites
  2. Remove any sources of standing water
    • Add drainage holes to stuctures or containers that may trap water (barrels, old tires)
    • Change or circulate the water in pet bowls and birdbaths at least once a week
    • Fill tree holes with sand, mortar or place drainage holes to prevent standing water
    • Clean roof gutters to prevent them from becoming clogged and holding water
    • Properly dispose of all trash, especially anything that could hold water
  3. Keep weeds and other vegetation mowed and trimmed to minimize shelter for adult mosquitoes
  4. For areas with ponds, consider stocking mosquito eating fish