Fly Control

It is the most common fly species found in houses. They can carry pathogens on their bodies and in their faeces, contaminate food, and contribute to the transfer of food-borne illnesses, while, in numbers, they can be physically annoying. They can also have a negative psychological impact because their presence is considered a sign of unhygienic conditions. The adult housefly can live up to one month in the wild. The fruit fly also lives for approximately 30 days after reaching adulthood. Flies survive longest in warmer temperature. Flies collect pathogens on their legs and mouths when females lay eggs on decomposing organic matter such as feces, garbage and animal corpses.

Treatment Methods

Mechanical Measures: Installation of sticky traps & UV light traps are ways; majorly used to control flies and flying insects without the need of constant monitoring.

Chemical Measure : Alongside mechanical measures we also conduct chemical treatments by spraying chemical on skirtings and floor level. this has a residual effect and act as contact poison for flies. This treatment demands a constant clean up afterwards to clear dead flies.


Keeping area clean & Keeping all food items covered is the best way to be safe.